The Beardall Family 2009

The Beardall Family 2009

Monday, October 27, 2008

St. George with "The Club"

Well, it was the annual girls trip with "The Club" - which is, (for those of you that don't know) what we call our group of high school friends that have been getting together once a month for dinner since 1987. Each fall we head to St. George for the weekend and shop, eat, laugh, play bingo, eat, laugh, shop and did I mention eating and laughing? We have a great time and enjoy spending time together. I have to explain a couple of the pictures below! Four years ago my friends thought it would be funny to by a thong (no, not the kind you wear on your feet, those are flip flops now - get with the program!) and put it in my wallet. Then when I go to pay for breakfast on the last morning there it is! I always have a fit of embarrassment because if you know me at ALL - you know I would NEVER buy, let alone wear a nasty thong! So for the last 4 years I have been trying to think up something to do with these thongs. So I decided to frame them and give one to each of my friends. So at breakfast, I passed out these nicely wrapped gifts
to each one of them. I gave each thong a name and needless to say, we laughed pretty hard and then I insisted they get their pictures taken with their gift. I told them we were even now, but I'll be darned if I didn't get a new one when I opened my purse at bingo!

Jammied up, getting ready to watch a movie at
the condo - Shelley Jensen & Alison Peterson

Me and Jennifer Hanson - snuggling under her

Cindy Nelson - talking on her phone, what a pose!

Can we fit all this in the car? Yes we can!!

Cindy, Alison & Jen getting a pedicure!

Shelley with "Madame Butterfly"
Jen with "The Red Hot Chili Pepper"
Cindy with "The Blue Pearl"
Alison with "Orange Blossom"

And a good time was had by all......


Ann said...

Sounds like a great time! No wonder Becky said her son had seen you in the mall a couple of days ago, we thought she was loosing her marbles! Love the thongs, bet your girl friends will display them with pride!

Amber said...

Looks like you had fun. I love the thong pictures. I remember you always telling me at that. I am sure it gave everyone a good laugh.

candice said...

That is so great that you have this tradition! I can't believe you've managed to stay this close for this long! Congrats! You already spent money on a thong... now you don't need a Halloween costume next year!!